Trout Flies

These are flies we usually have in stock:

Woolly Buggers and Leeches
Woolly Buggers - black, olive, brown, black with maroon tail - $3.00
Bulldog - $3.00 - sizes 6, 8, 10
Pumpkinhead - $3.00 - sizes 8, 10, 12
Big Ugly Leech - $3.00
Marabou Leeches - black, olive, maroon, olive with black tail - $3.00
Bunny Leeches - articulated - black - $3.50
Egg Sucking Leech - chenille egg - in black or purple - $3.00
Egg Sucking Leech bead head - $3.00
Las Vegas Leech - $3.00
Little Fort Leech - size 10 - $3.00
Micro Marabou Leech - in red, black, olive or purple - $3.00
Bloodworm - red yarn or mohair - size 8 - $3.00
Double Bead Leech - glass bead inside a conehead
- mohair with black/red or black/blue - size 8 - $3.00
Vampire Leech - size 6 - $3.00

Bushwacker - with or without beadhead - $3.00
Caddis Pupa - $3.00
Chironomids - variety of patterns available - $3.00
Damselfly Nymphs - variety of patterns available - $3.00
Dragonfly Nymphs - yarn dragons in size 6 or 4 - brown or olive - $3.00
Baby Dragons - size 10 or 12 - $3.00
Doc Spratley - red, olive or black - $3.00
Frenchies - collar is orange, purple or green - $3.00
Golden Stone - 2 patterns available - $3.00
Hare’s Ear Nymph - with or without beadhead - $3.00
Pheasant Tail Nymph - with or without beadhead - $3.00
Montana Stone - $3.00
Prince Nymph - bead in gold, brown or purple - $3.00

Dry Flies
Ant or Termite - Foam - $3.00
Chernobyl Ant - $3.00
Deer Hair Caddis - $3.00
Elk Hair Caddis with CDC underwing - $3.00
Madam X - $3.00 - $3.00
Mikaluk Sedge
Parachute Adams - $3.00
Tom Thumb - $3.00
Wasp - $3.00

Raccoon - $3.00
Muskrat Emerger - $3.00
Ted’s Emerger - $3.00

Streamers for Trout
Boobie Flies - several variations - $3.50
Chum Baby - $3.00
Skagit Minnow - $3.00
Muddler - size 8 or 10 with bead head - natural, blue or chartreuse - $3.00
Salmon Fry- 2 patterns available - $3.00
Bunny Stickleback - in green or silver - $3.00